Otic reprogramming Buzzi et al. 2022

Lmx1aE1 vs Sox3U3 differential expression analysis

Embryos at ss3-5 where electroporated with either Lmx1aE1-EGFP or Sox3U3-EGFP enhancers to genetically label the otic and epibranchial cell populations respectively. At ss18-21 embryos were removed from the egg and EGFP+ cells of each population were collected by FACS and processed for RNAseq.

Differential expression analysis is carried out using DESeq2 (Love et al. 2014).

R analysis pipeline

Automatic switch for running pipeline through Nextflow or interactively in Rstudio.

spec = matrix(c(
  'runtype', 'l', 2, "character",
  'cores'   , 'c', 2, "integer"
), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
opt = getopt(spec)

# Set run location
if(length(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) == 0){
  cat('No command line arguments provided, user defaults paths are set for running interactively in Rstudio on docker\n')
  opt$runtype = "user"
} else {
    stop("--runtype must be either 'user' or 'nextflow'")
  if(tolower(opt$runtype) != "user" & tolower(opt$runtype) != "nextflow"){
    stop("--runtype must be either 'user' or 'nextflow'")

Set paths and load data and packages.

  if (opt$runtype == "user"){
    output_path = "./output/NF-downstream_analysis/lmx1a_dea/output/"
    input_file <- "./alignment_output/NF-lmx1a_alignment/featurecounts.merged.counts.tsv"

  } else if (opt$runtype == "nextflow"){
    cat('pipeline running through nextflow\n')

    output_path = "output/"
    input_file <- "./featurecounts.merged.counts.tsv"

  dir.create(output_path, recursive = T)



Data pre-processing.

# read in count data and rename columns
read_counts <- read.delim(input_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(read_counts)[1] <- "gene_id"

# if gene name exists then take gene name, else take ensembl ID and make new name column
read_counts <- read_counts %>% mutate(gene_name = ifelse(!is.na(gene_name), gene_name, gene_id))

# make duplicated gene names unique using "_"
read_counts$gene_name <- make.unique(read_counts$gene_name, sep = "_")

# make gene annotations dataframe
gene_annotations <- read_counts %>% dplyr::select(gene_id, gene_name)

# write CSV for output list
write.csv(read_counts, paste0(output_path, "read_counts.csv"), row.names = F)

# make rownames gene_id and remove ID and names column before making deseq object
rownames(read_counts) <- read_counts$gene_id
read_counts[,1:2] <- NULL

Run DESeq2.

### Add sample group to metadata
col_data <- as.data.frame(sapply(colnames(read_counts), function(x){ifelse(grepl("Lmx1a_E1", x), "Lmx1a_E1", "Sox3U3")}))
colnames(col_data) <- "Group"

### Make deseq object and make Sox3U3 group the reference level
deseq <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(read_counts, design = ~ Group, colData = col_data)
deseq$Group <- droplevels(deseq$Group)
deseq$Group <- relevel(deseq$Group, ref = "Sox3U3")

# set plot colours
plot_colours <- list(Group = c(Sox3U3 = "#48d1cc", Lmx1a_E1 = "#f55f20"))

### Filter genes which have fewer than 10 readcounts
deseq <- deseq[rowSums(counts(deseq)) >= 10, ]

### Run deseq test - size factors for normalisation during this step are calculated using median of ratios method
deseq <- DESeq(deseq)

Plot dispersion estimates.


png(paste0(output_path, "dispersion_est.png"), height = 20, width = 25, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)

We use the DESeq2 function lfcShrink in order to calculate more accurate log2FC estimates. This uses information across all genes to shrink LFC when a gene has low counts or high dispersion values.

# Run lfcShrink
res <- lfcShrink(deseq, coef="Group_Lmx1a_E1_vs_Sox3U3", type="apeglm")

# Add gene names to shrunken LFC dataframe
res$gene_name <- gene_annotations$gene_name[match(rownames(res), gene_annotations$gene_id)]

Plot MA with cutoff for significant genes = padj < 0.05.


png(paste0(output_path, "MA_plot.png"), height = 20, width = 25, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
DESeq2::plotMA(res, alpha = 0.05)

Plot volcano plot with padj < 0.05 and abs(fold change) > 1.5.


volc_dat <- as.data.frame(res[,-6])

# add gene name to volcano data
volc_dat$gene <- gene_annotations$gene_name[match(rownames(volc_dat), gene_annotations$gene_id)]

# label significance
volc_dat <- volc_dat %>%
  filter(!is.na(padj)) %>%
  mutate(sig = case_when((padj < 0.05 & log2FoldChange > 1.5) == 'TRUE' ~ 'upregulated',
                         (padj < 0.05 & log2FoldChange < -1.5) == 'TRUE' ~ 'downregulated',
                         (padj >= 0.05 | abs(log2FoldChange) <= 1.5) == 'TRUE' ~ 'not sig')) %>%

# label outliers with triangles for volcano plot
volc_dat <- volc_dat %>%
  mutate(shape = ifelse(abs(log2FoldChange) > 3 | -log10(padj) > 50, "triangle", "circle")) %>%
  mutate(log2FoldChange = ifelse(log2FoldChange > 3, 3, log2FoldChange)) %>%
  mutate(log2FoldChange = ifelse(log2FoldChange < -3, -3, log2FoldChange)) %>%
  mutate('-log10(padj)' = ifelse(-log10(padj) > 50, 50, -log10(padj)))

# select genes to add as labels on volcano plot
otic_genes <- c('MEF2C', 'SOX10', 'SOX8', 'ZIC1', 'ZIC2', 'DACT2', 'LEF1', 'ZCCHC24', 'RNF122')
epibranchial_genes <- c('PRDM1', 'VGLL2', 'PDLIM1', 'KRT18', 'ISL1', 'UPK1B', 'TFAP2E', 'NELL1')

png(paste0(output_path, "volcano.png"), width = 11.5, height = 7, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 500)
ggplot(volc_dat, aes(log2FoldChange, `-log10(padj)`, shape=shape, label = gene)) +
  geom_point(aes(colour = sig, fill = sig), size = 1) +
  scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("not sig", "downregulated", "upregulated"),
                    values = alpha(c(plot_colours$Group[1], "#c1c1c1", plot_colours$Group[2]), 0.3)) +
  scale_color_manual(breaks = c("not sig", "downregulated", "upregulated"),
                     values= c(plot_colours$Group[1], "#c1c1c1", plot_colours$Group[2])) +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
        text = element_text(family = "", color = "grey20"),
        legend.position = "none", legend.title = element_blank()) +
  geom_text_repel(data = subset(volc_dat, gene %in% c(otic_genes, epibranchial_genes)), min.segment.length = 0, segment.size  = 0.6, segment.color = "black") +
  xlab('log2FC (Lmx1a_E1 - Sox3U3)') +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Generate csv for raw counts, normalised counts, and differential expression output.


# raw counts dataframe
raw_counts <- as.data.frame(counts(deseq))
colnames(raw_counts) <- paste0("counts_", colnames(raw_counts))
raw_counts$gene_id <- rownames(raw_counts)

# normalised counts dataframe
norm_counts <- as.data.frame(counts(deseq, normalized=TRUE))
colnames(norm_counts) <- paste0("norm_size.adj_", colnames(norm_counts))
norm_counts$gene_id <- rownames(norm_counts)

# differential expression statistics dataframe
DE_res <- as.data.frame(res)
DE_res$gene_id <- rownames(DE_res)

# merge raw_counts, norm_counts and DE_res together into a single dataframe
all_dat <- merge(raw_counts, norm_counts, by = 'gene_id')
all_dat <- merge(all_dat, DE_res, by = 'gene_id')

# move position of gene names column
all_dat <- all_dat[,c(1, ncol(all_dat), 2:{ncol(all_dat)-1})]

# Find which genes are up and downregulated following differential expression analysis
res_up <- all_dat[which(all_dat$padj < 0.05 & all_dat$log2FoldChange > 1.5), ]
res_up <- res_up[order(-res_up$log2FoldChange),]

res_down <- all_dat[which(all_dat$padj < 0.05 & all_dat$log2FoldChange < -1.5), ]
res_down <- res_down[order(res_down$log2FoldChange),]

# 422 genes DE with padj 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1.5 (103 upregulated, 319 downregulated)

# Write DE data as a csv
res_de <- rbind(res_up, res_down) %>% arrange(-log2FoldChange)

cat("This table shows the differential expression results for genes with absolute log2FC > 1.5 and adjusted p-value < 0.05 when comparing Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples (Lmx1a_E1 - Sox3U3)
Reads are aligned to Galgal6 \n
Normalised count: read counts adjusted for library size
pvalue: unadjusted pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples
padj: pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples - adjusted for multiple testing (Benjamini and Hochberg) \n \n",
    file = paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_SupplementaryData_1.csv"))
write.table(res_de, paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_SupplementaryData_1.csv"), append=TRUE, row.names = F, na = 'NA', sep=",")

# non-DE genes
res_remain <- all_dat[!rownames(all_dat) %in% rownames(res_up) & !rownames(all_dat) %in% rownames(res_down),]
res_remain <- res_remain[order(-res_remain$log2FoldChange),]

# Make a single dataframe with ordered rows
all_dat <- rbind(res_up, res_down, res_remain)

# Write all data as a csv
cat("This table shows the differential expression results for all genes when comparing Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples (Lmx1a_E1 - Sox3U3)
Reads are aligned to Galgal6 \n
Normalised count: read counts adjusted for library size
pvalue: unadjusted pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples
padj: pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples - adjusted for multiple testing (Benjamini and Hochberg) \n \n",
    file = paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_process_output_1.csv"))
write.table(all_dat, paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_process_output_1.csv"), append=TRUE, row.names = F, na = 'NA', sep=",")

Download differential expression results (absolute log2FC > 1.5 and adjusted p-value < 0.05) - SuppData1

Download differential expression results for all genes.

Plot sample-sample distances, PCA plot and correlogram to show relationship between samples.


# To prevent the highest expressed genes from dominating when clustering we need to rlog (regularised log) transform the data
rld <- rlog(deseq, blind=FALSE)

# Plot sample correlogram
png(paste0(output_path, "SampleCorrelogram.png"), height = 17, width = 17, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
corrgram::corrgram(as.data.frame(assay(rld)), order=TRUE, lower.panel=corrgram::panel.cor,
                   upper.panel=corrgram::panel.pts, text.panel=corrgram::panel.txt,
                   main="Correlogram of rlog sample expression", cor.method = 'pearson')

# Plot sample distance heatmap
sample_dists <- dist(t(assay(rld)))

sampleDistMatrix <- as.matrix(sample_dists)
rownames(sampleDistMatrix) <- paste(colnames(rld))
colnames(sampleDistMatrix) <- paste(colnames(rld))
colours = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, "Blues")))(255)

png(paste0(output_path, "SampleDist.png"), height = 12, width = 15, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
pheatmap(sampleDistMatrix, color = colours)

# Plot sample PCA
png(paste0(output_path, "SamplePCA.png"), height = 12, width = 12, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
plotPCA(rld, intgroup = "Group") +
  scale_color_manual(values=plot_colours$Group) +
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"))

Subset differentially expressed genes (adjusted p-value < 0.05, absolute log2FC > 1.5).

res_sub <- res[which(res$padj < 0.05 & abs(res$log2FoldChange) > 1.5), ]
res_sub <- res_sub[order(-res_sub$log2FoldChange),]

Plot heatmap of differentially expressed genes.


png(paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_hm.png"), height = 29, width = 21, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
pheatmap(assay(rld)[rownames(res_sub),], color = colorRampPalette(c("#191d73", "white", "#ed7901"))(n = 100), cluster_rows=T, show_rownames=FALSE,
         show_colnames = F, cluster_cols=T, annotation_col=as.data.frame(colData(deseq)["Group"]),
         annotation_colors = plot_colours, scale = "row", treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 25,
         main = "Lmx1a_E1 vs Sox3U3 differentially expressed genes (log2FC > 1.5 and padj (FDR) < 0.05)", border_color = NA, cellheight = 1.6, cellwidth = 55)

Subset differentially expressed transcription factors based on GO terms ('GO:0003700', 'GO:0043565', 'GO:0000981').

# Get biomart GO annotations for TFs
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = 'ensembl', 
                      dataset = 'ggallus_gene_ensembl',
                      version = 104)
TF_subset <- getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id", "go_id", "name_1006", "namespace_1003"),
                   filters = 'ensembl_gene_id',
                   values = rownames(res_sub),
                   mart = ensembl)

# subset genes based on transcription factor GO terms
TF_subset <- TF_subset$ensembl_gene_id[TF_subset$go_id %in% c('GO:0003700', 'GO:0043565', 'GO:0000981')]

res_sub_TF <- res_sub[rownames(res_sub) %in% TF_subset,]

Generate csv for raw counts, normalised counts, and differential expression output for transcription factors.


# subset TFs from all_dat
all_dat_TF <- all_dat[all_dat$gene_id %in% rownames(res_sub_TF),]

cat("This table shows differentially expressed (absolute FC > 1.5 and padj (FDR) < 0.05) transcription factors between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples (Lmx1a_E1 - Sox3U3)
Reads are aligned to Galgal6 \n
Normalised count: read counts adjusted for library size
pvalue: unadjusted pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples
padj: pvalue for differential expression test between Lmx1a_E1 and Sox3U3 samples - adjusted for multiple testing (Benjamini and Hochberg) \n \n",
    file = paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_process_output_2.csv"))
write.table(all_dat_TF, paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_process_output_2.csv"), append=TRUE, row.names = F, na = 'NA', sep=",")

Download TF differential expression results (absolute log2FC > 1.5 and adjusted p-value < 0.05).

Plot heatmap for differentially expressed transcription factors.


rld.plot <- assay(rld)
rownames(rld.plot) <- gene_annotations$gene_name[match(rownames(rld.plot), gene_annotations$gene_id)]

# plot DE TFs
png(paste0(output_path, "Lmx1a_E1_TFs_hm.png"), height = 17, width = 25, family = 'Arial', units = "cm", res = 400)
pheatmap(rld.plot[res_sub_TF$gene_name,], color = colorRampPalette(c("#191d73", "white", "#ed7901"))(n = 100), cluster_rows=T, show_rownames=T,
         show_colnames = F, cluster_cols=T, treeheight_row = 30, treeheight_col = 30,
         annotation_col=as.data.frame(col_data["Group"]), annotation_colors = plot_colours,
         scale = "row", main = "Lmx1a_E1 vs Sox3U3 differentially expressed TFs (log2FC > 1.5 and padj (FDR) < 0.05)", border_color = NA, cellheight = 10, cellwidth = 50)