Otic reprogramming Buzzi et al. 2022

SmartSeq2 alignment

Our SmartSeq2 single cell RNAseq data is aligned using a custom Nextflow pipeline. This pipeline is built using Nextflow DSL2, which allows for modularisation and re-usability of each tool.

Each process is configured to run within a separate container, meaning that package versions are hard coded into the pipeline. In order to change these package versions, the container used will need to be changed within the individual process.

Each of the processes used in the pipeline can be found by going to the path in the include {process} from "<PATH>" statements in any of the workflows below.

If you would like to re-run the alignment, follow the instructions here.


Our custom pipeline integrates both alignment and RNA velocity (Velocyto).

For simplicity, the pipeline is split into four sub-workflows:

The main workflow integrates each of these sub-workflows.

Collapse main workflow

// Define DSL2

include {add_gfp} from "$baseDir/../workflows/add_gfp/main.nf"
include {smartseq2_align} from "$baseDir/../workflows/scRNAseq_alignment/main.nf"
include {process_counts} from "$baseDir/../workflows/process_counts/main.nf"
include {velocyto_smartseq2} from "$baseDir/../workflows/velocyto_smartseq2/main.nf"

    .value(file(params.fasta, checkIfExists: true))
    .set {ch_fasta}

    .value(file(params.gtf, checkIfExists: true))
    .set {ch_gtf}

    .value(file(params.gfp_seq, checkIfExists: true))
    .set {ch_gfp_seq}

workflow {
    // add gfp to genome and gtf
    add_gfp (ch_fasta, ch_gtf, ch_gfp_seq)

    // align using smartseq2 workflow
    smartseq2_align (add_gfp.out.genome, add_gfp.out.gtf, params.input)

    // merge and extract gfp counts
    process_counts (smartseq2_align.out.htseq_count_files)

    // run velocyto
    velocyto_smartseq2 (smartseq2_align.out.bam_files, ch_gtf)

    // view output
    process_counts.out.processed_counts | view
    velocyto_smartseq2.out.velocyto_counts | view

Modify genome to add GFP sequence

This sub-workflow takes a GFP sequence from the base repository and appends the genome provided in order to determine the number of GFP reads downstream.

Collapse sub-workflow

// Define DSL2

/* Module inclusions
include {add_genome_gfp; add_gtf_gfp} from "$baseDir/../modules/genome-tools/main.nf"

/* Define sub workflow

workflow add_gfp {

        add_genome_gfp (params.modules['add_genome_gfp'], genome, gfp_seq)
        add_gtf_gfp (params.modules['add_gtf_gfp'], gtf, gfp_seq)

        genome = add_genome_gfp.out
        gtf = add_gtf_gfp.out

Align reads

First we trim adaptor sequences using Cutadapt v2.10. We then align reads to GalGal6 with HISAT2 v2.2.1. Samtools v1.10 is used to convert SAM to BAM, before finally obtaining gene counts with HTSeq v0.12.4.

Collapse sub-workflow

// Define DSL2

/* Module inclusions
include {smartseq2_fastq_metadata} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/metadata/main.nf"
include {cutadapt} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/cutadapt/main.nf"
include {hisat2_build; hisat2_splice_sites; hisat2_splice_align} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/hisat2/main.nf"
include {samtools_view as samtools_view_a;samtools_view as samtools_view_b; samtools_sort} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/samtools/main.nf"
include {htseq_count} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/htseq/main.nf"

/* Define sub workflow

workflow smartseq2_align {

        smartseq2_fastq_metadata (sample_csv)

        cutadapt (params.modules['cutadapt'], smartseq2_fastq_metadata.out)
        hisat2_build ( params.modules['hisat2_build'], genome )
        hisat2_splice_sites ( params.modules['hisat2_splice_sites'], gtf )
        hisat2_splice_align ( params.modules['hisat2_splice_align'], cutadapt.out.fastq, hisat2_build.out.genome_index.collect(), hisat2_splice_sites.out.splice_sites.collect() )

        samtools_view_a ( params.modules['samtools_view_a'], hisat2_splice_align.out.sam )
        samtools_sort ( params.modules['samtools_sort'], samtools_view_a.out.bam )
        samtools_view_b ( params.modules['samtools_view_b'], samtools_sort.out.bam )

        htseq_count ( params.modules['htseq_count'], samtools_view_b.out.bam, gtf )

        bam_files = samtools_sort.out.bam
        htseq_count_files = htseq_count.out.counts

Process read counts for input into Antler

The merge counts process is a custom R script which formats cell names and generates the phenoData.csv, assayData.csv and gfpData.csv required in our downstream pipeline.

Collapse sub-workflow

// Define DSL2

/* Module inclusions
include {r_analysis as merge_counts} from "$baseDir/../modules/r_analysis/main.nf"

/* Define sub workflow

workflow process_counts {

        // group counts into a single channel for merge cell counts
        ch_all_counts = count_files
            .map { [file(it[1], checkIfExists: true)] }

        // merge cell counts into csv
        merge_counts (params.modules['merge_counts'], ch_all_counts)

        processed_counts = merge_counts.out

Collapse merge_counts.R

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# Define arguments for Rscript
spec = matrix(c(
  'runtype', 'l', 2, "character",
  'cores'   , 'c', 2, "integer"
), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
opt = getopt(spec)

# Set run location
if(length(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) == 0){
  cat('No command line arguments provided, user defaults paths are set for running interactively in Rstudio on docker\n')
  opt$runtype = "user"
} else {
    stop("--runtype must be either 'user' or 'nextflow'")
  if(tolower(opt$runtype) != "user" & tolower(opt$runtype) != "nextflow"){
    stop("--runtype must be either 'user' or 'nextflow'")

# Set paths and load data
  if (opt$runtype == "user"){
    output_path = "./output/merge_counts/output/"
    input_files <- list.files("./testData/process_counts/", pattern = "*.txt", full.names = T)

  } else if (opt$runtype == "nextflow"){
    cat('pipeline running through nextflow\n')

    output_path = "output/"
    input_files <- list.files("./", pattern = "*.txt", full.names = T)
  dir.create(output_path, recursive = T)


assayData = do.call(cbind, lapply(input_files, function(f){
	df = read.table(f, row.names=1)
	df[seq(nrow(df)-5),, drop=F]

# ss11 ss15 WTCHG_528508_201189.txt -> 201189
# ss89 TSS_P2_E2_13-1234.txt -> P2E2
phenoData <- setNames(ldply(basename(input_files), .fun = function(x) {
  if (grepl("ss11", x)) {
    c(strsplit(tools::file_path_sans_ext(x), split = "_")[[1]][[3]], 11, 1, "sc")
  } else  if (grepl("ss15", x)) {
    c(strsplit(tools::file_path_sans_ext(x), split = "_")[[1]][[3]], 15, 1, "sc")
  } else {
    spl1 = strsplit(tools::file_path_sans_ext(x), split = "_")[[1]]
    c(paste0(spl1[2], strsplit(spl1[3], split = "-")[[1]][1]), 8, 1, "sc")
}), c("cell_ID", "timepoint", "replicate_id", "treatment"))

rownames(phenoData) <- phenoData$cell_ID
phenoData$cell_ID <- NULL
colnames(assayData) <- rownames(phenoData)

# make dataframe for gfp counts
gfpData <- assayData["GFP",]

# remove gfp counts from assayData
assayData <- assayData[-which(rownames(assayData) == "GFP"),]

write.table(x=gfpData, file=paste0(output_path, 'gfpData.csv'), sep='\t', row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, col.names=NA)
write.table(x=assayData, file=paste0(output_path, 'assayData.csv'), sep='\t', row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, col.names=NA)
write.table(x=phenoData, file=paste0(output_path, 'phenoData.csv'), sep='\t', row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, col.names=NA)

Run RNA velocity

The RNA velocity sub-workflow takes the output BAM files from HISAT2 and groups all the cells into a single channel input. We then run Velocyto which generates a single .loom file output containing spliced, unspliced and spanning reads.

Collapse sub-workflow

// Define DSL2

/* Module inclusions
include {velocyto_run_smartseq2} from "$baseDir/../luslab-nf-modules/tools/velocyto/main.nf"

/* Define sub workflow

workflow velocyto_smartseq2 {

        // group bams into a single channel for velocyto
        ch_velocyto_bam = bam_files
            .map { [[sample_id:"all_cells"], file(it[1], checkIfExists: true)] }
            .groupTuple(by: 0)

        velocyto_run_smartseq2 ( params.modules['velocyto_run_smartseq2'], ch_velocyto_bam, gtf )

        velocyto_counts = velocyto_run_smartseq2.out.velocyto